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Англо-русский строительный словарь - amount


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Перевод с английского языка amount на русский

количество; итог; общая сумма значение (величины) степень to amount to amount of calculation amount of eccentricity amount of estimated work amount of heat amount of mixing amount of movement amount of prestress amount of reinforcement amount of strength amount of traffic amount of twist amount of vibration time required amount of work budgeted amount of work completed arbitrary amount required amount of water
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См. в других словарях

  1) величина, сумма 2) степень, количество 3) коэффициент – amount of carried traffic ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) величина, количество 2) размер 3) степень 4) важность, значение, значимость amount to — доходить до, достигать, составлять; равняться, быть эквивалентным by a large amount — на значительную величину vary by large amount — изменяться на большую величину - amount of advance - amount of change - amount of dependence - amount of drivage - amount of ignorance - amount of information - amount of sampling - amount of uncertainty - amount of variation - cloud amount - compound amount - equilibrium amount - error amount - prohibitive amount - total amount - trace amount ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) количество; степень; сумма; итог 2) достигать; доходить до; составлять (сумму) – to amount to nothing – amount of author's bonus – amount of compensation – amount of damages – amount of expenditure – amount of fee – amount of information – amount of invention – amount of loss – amount of royalty – amount of security – advance amount paid-in – prohibitive amount AMOUNT 1. сущ. 1) сумма 2) итог 3) количество • - accruing amounts - actual amount - advance amount paid-in - aggregate amount - amount at risk - amount available - amount collected - amount deposited - amount drawn - amount due for - amount due - amount for distribution - amount in cash - amount in damages - amount in notes - amount involved - amount made available - amount of a debt - amount of a deposit - amount of a discount - amount of advance - amount of balance - amount of bill - amount of business - amount of commission - amount of compensation - amount of contract - amount of credit - amount of credit , total credit - amount of damage - amount of debt - amount of depreciation - amount of difference - amount of discount - amount of dividends - amount of document - amount of dues payable - amount of dues - amount of exemption - amount of finance - amount of financing - amount of grant - amount of guarantee - amount of housing - amount of income - amount of increase - amount of indebtedness - amount of information - amount of inspection - amount of invoice - amount of issue - amount of loan - amount of loss - amount of money - amount of payment - amount of premium - amount of products - amount of reduction - amount of refund - amount of repayment - amount of sale - amount of sampling - amount of savings - amount of security - amount of tax payable - amount of tax - amount of the average - amount of time - amount of transaction - amount of transfer - amount of turnover - amount on deposit - amount outstanding - amount owed - amount payable at maturity - amount payable...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  количество – amount of growth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. количество; величина small amount of smth. —- небольшое количество чего-л. he has any amount of money —- у него денег хватает amount of business —- торговый оборот amount of housing —- жилищный фонд amount of turnover —- сумма оборота капитала amount of employment —- эк. занятость in amount —- по количеству, количественно the amount of clouds —- метеор. балл облачности the amount used —- тех. затрата amount of deflection —- тех. стрела прогиба 2. все, весь объем, вся масса a great amount of negligence —- большая степень халатности; непростительная небрежность the amount of evidence against him is great —- против него собрано огромное количество улик he has an enormous amount of energy —- он человек неистощимой энергии 3. общая сумма, итог what is the amount of the debt? —- какова общая сумма долга? 4. бухг. основная сумма и проценты с нее amount due —- сумма к получению, причитающаяся сумма amount at risk —- страх. страховая сумма 5. (to) составлять; доходить до; достигать; равняться the bill amounts to $25 —- счет составляет сумму в 25 долларов 6. (to) быть равным, равносильным, равнозначным, означать to amount to a refusal —- быть равносильным отказу to amount to very little, not to amount to much —- не иметь большого значения, очень мало значить what does it amount to? —- что это значит? it amounts to this —- это означает следующее 7. становиться,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) количество a large amount of work - много работы  2) сумма, итог what is the amount of this? - сколько это составляет?  3) значительность, важность Syn: see quantity  2. v.  1) доходить (до какого-л. количества), составлять (сумму); равняться the bill amounts to L40 - счет составляет сумму в 40 фунтов стерлингов  2) быть равным, равнозначащим this amounts to a refusal - это равносильно отказу to amount to very little, not to amount to much - быть незначительным, не иметь большого значения what, after all, does it amount to? - что, в конце концов, это означает? ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) величина; степень 2) количество 3) доза 4) сумма - amount of braking - amount of clearance - amount of feedback - amount of ground material - amount of information - amount of noise - amount of precipitation - amount of redundancy - amount of sampling - amount of sunshine - amount of vacuum - chain-reacting amount - infeed amount - lethal amount - radiation amount - rainfall amount ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a quantity, esp. the total of a thing or things in number, size, value, extent, etc. (a large amount of money; came to a considerable amount). 2 the full effect or significance. --v.intr. (foll. by to) be equivalent to in number, size, significance, etc. (amounted to {pound}100; amounted to a disaster). Phrases and idioms any amount of a great deal of. no amount of not even the greatest possible amount of. Etymology: ME f. OF amunter f. amont upward, lit. uphill, f. L ad montem ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. intransitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, from ~ upward, from a- (from Latin ad-) + mont mountain — more at mount  Date: 14th century  1.  a. to be equivalent acts that ~ to treason  b. to reach in kind or quality wants her son to ~ to something doesn't ~ to much  2. to reach a total ; add up the bill ~s to $10  II. noun  Date: 1595  1.  a. the total number or quantity ; aggregate  b. the quantity at hand or under consideration has an enormous ~ of energy  2. the whole effect, significance, or import  3. a principal sum and the interest on it Usage:  Number is regularly used with count nouns a large number of mistakes any number of times while ~ is mainly used with mass nouns annual ~ of rainfall a substantial ~ of money. The use of ~ with count nouns has been frequently criticized; it usually occurs when the number of things is thought of as a mass or collection glad to furnish any ~ of black pebbles — New Yorker a substantial ~ of film offers — Lily Tomlin or when money is involved a substantial ~ of loans — E. R. Black. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (amounts, amounting, amounted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The amount of something is how much there is, or how much you have, need, or get. He needs that amount of money to survive... I still do a certain amount of work for them... Postal money orders are available in amounts up to $700. N-VAR: usu N of n 2. If something amounts to a particular total, all the parts of it add up to that total. Consumer spending on sports-related items amounted to ?9.75 billion. VERB: V to amount ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a quantity of something such as time, money, or a substance + of  (a considerable amount of money) a small/large etc ~  (It's best to cook vegetables in a small amount of water.) 2 the level or degree to which a feeling, quality etc is present + of  (Her case has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy.) a certain/fair ~ of (=a fairly high level of something)  (Dina encountered a fair amount of envy among her colleagues.) 3 no ~ of sth will do sth used to say that something has no effect  (No amount of persuasion could make her change her mind. | any amount of sth BrE (=a lot of))  (The school has any amount of resources and equipment.)  ( USAGE NOTE: AMOUNT GRAMMAR Amount is usually used with uncountable nouns, and some people think this is the only correct use a large amount of money/food/electricity/hard work. (Note that you do not usually say a high or big amount). With plural countable nouns it is best to use number a large number of mistakes/people However, people often use amount with plural countable nouns when what they are talking about is thought of as a group We didn't expect such a large amount of people. | an enormous amount of problems ) ~2 v amount to sth phr v 1 if figures, sums etc amount to a particular total, they equal that total when they are added together  (Time lost through illness amounted to 1,357 working days.) 2 if an attitude, remark, situation etc amounts to something, it has the same effect  (The court's decision amounts to a not-guilty verdict.) 3 not amount to much/anything/a great deal etc to not seem important, valuable or successful  (Her academic achievements don't amount to much.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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